
Sometimes a story is just a story. Sometimes a story portrays the image of something otherwise indescribable.

The Door A Jar began whispering her secrets to me a few years ago.

I was working on my iRest certification. Studies danced between modern science and ancient wisdom. iRest, a school of Yoga Nidra, was the antidote to my PTSD and a door ajar.

Studies continued.  It wasn’t enough that PTSD, depression and anxiety resolved.  Richard Miller ( opened the door to non-duality.  There are numerous resources to supplement understanding of “not-two”.  I found some of them.  Some of them found me.

A few years down the road I read David Carse’s book “Perfect Brilliant Stillness,” and resonated deeply.  

Sitting quietly in the shadows of the wisdom of those who listened to the call of stillness, it was clear that no method, no philosophy, no teaching would be the catalyst for freedom.  Peace, Love and Happiness are not destinations.  They are for you to discover.  You might say, remember.  The Door A Jar, is a story, hopefully a story that compels you to listen and hear the call of stillness.  To reveal what is.

Breadcrumbs for your jouney

Richard Miller  – ( Sankhy Karika sutra

Rupert Spira –

Jiddu Krishnamurti –

David Carse “Perfect Brilliant Stillness”

Jean Kline “I am”

This is not a comprehensive list, just some footsteps I’ve followed.